Sewer Doer

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"Sewage system Doer" is an adult animation that dives deep into the eccentric life of Gregorio, a mischievous environment-friendly tentacle monster staying in the shadowy underbelly of a dynamic city. Living near a preferred night club, Gregorio has his sights set on the extravagant world above, where neon lights and pulsing music thrive. His interactions with the vibrant nightlife constantly fuel his needs, specifically when he lays eyes on Kiera, an exciting young brunette with striking environment-friendly eyes, who usually visits the club. Outfitted in tight pants and a hot blouse, Kiera unwittingly comes to be the things of Gregorio's affection, triggering a suggestive and funny journey that discovers the usually absurd and whimsical obstacles of love from the depths of the sewage system.